Learn about the two modes of gameplay in ChiFiBots
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Learn about the two modes of gameplay in ChiFiBots
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ChiFiBots: Trading Card Game is in a 6 vs 6 | Player vs Player format.
The game centers around a punch/kick/slam battle format that is similar to rock/paper/scissors.
Punch beats Kick | Kick beats Slam | Slam beats Punch
If you pick a winner, you negate the opponentâs attack.
If you both pick the same option, both attacks go through.
Only 1 ChiFiBot is in the active position and only the active ChiFiBot can attack or defend.
In ChiFiBots, you can only put a maximum of 2 x per ChiFiBot roles. You can pick as many ChiFiBots from any planet as you desire.
All ChiFiBots have unique attack moves and specials. Technicians also start with abilities.
Abilities can be learned by other ChiFiBots in-game or as an upgrade.
Specials are powerful moves that each ChiFiBot has. The only restriction is that once a special has been used, that user cannot use another special for the rest of the match.
Users will be able to upgrade their ChiFiBots to gain: stat boosts, utility slots, attack moves, and abilities via a skill tree.
Each ChifiBot has one of these three roles.
Brute - The tank role. Higher HP and shield.
Gladiator - The damage role. Higher attack points.
Technician - The support role. Has abilities.
Each ChiFiBot also identifies from a Planet (or no Planet) which gives room for multiple card combinations that favor ChiFiBots from that planet. Planet Polaris - ChiFiBots from Planet Polaris
Planet Vega - ChiFiBots from Planet Vega
Planet Atlas - ChiFiBots from Planet Atlas
No Planet - ChiFiBots that don't identify from any planet
There are two battle modes that ChiFiBots will have.
Rapid mode is the quick and non-flashy way of playing ChiFiBots. No abilities. No attack moves. No specials. No shields. And no cards to play. Only 6 v 6 ChiFiBots, picking Punch, Kick, or Slam.
Win conditions:
| Whoever has no ChiFiBots remaining on their team.
If in an event of a tie knockout, they will enter a deathmatch of 1 x Punch/Kick/Slam until one user picks a winner